Monday, February 28, 2011

Jesus Happy-Stuff

"Jesus Happy-Stuff"

By: Pastor Jack Schneider

 “Don’t let the errors of evil people lead you down the wrong path and make you lose your balance.  Let the wonderful kindness and understanding that come from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ help you to keep on growing!”  [2 Pet.3:17-18, CEV]

“I don’t understand,!” she sobbed.  “I thought it was supposed to get easier, but it’s not.”  Her walk of faith had deepened, prayer life had strengthened, grasp of Scripture truth grown so much greater, everything about her proclaimed the work of the Holy Spirit.  Yet here she was, in anguish, telling me life was easier in the old days, before she knew Jesus so intimately.

She’s not alone.  You’ve been there, too, haven’t you?  It should be no surprise.  The Word warns us, “of the one to whom much is given, much is required.”  The more you know, the more you’re expected to share and teach others.  With great power comes great responsibility.  God told Abraham, “I have blessed you so that you can be a blessing to others.” 

Ouch.  Somewhere along the line satan has sold us a bill of goods, a big fat lie -- the idea that all this “Jesus happy-stuff” has come along for our personal benefit so we can lie back in our easy chair and enjoy the good life.  “Have it your way,” he croons.  “Name it, claim it, and frame it; the gift is already yours!”  A few subtle twists here and there, and the joyful promise of forgiveness in Christ, restoration to the image of God [intended for all creation] lies broken by the roadside.  “You mean I have to tell other people about this?!  But that’s why we pay the pastor!”  “You want me to do WHAT with my children in Sunday School?  Oh, no; I just drop them off on my way to Starbucks.  I need a break.”  “Here he goes again!  Another “mission sermon!” 

If this offends you, good.  You’re not dead.  There’s still hope.  Growth is always painful; just ask a lobster [which, by the way, can live 130 years - true].  It’s painful because it involves removing deadly obstacles and presences from our lives, things that would keep us from intimacy with God and others, patterns and practices that hinder us from growing emotionally, physically and spiritually.  It’s also painful because it puts us into contact with others, and they don’t always want to hear what Jesus has to say, anymore than we did [do].  Unfortunately, if we’re not growing, we’re dying.  Ask the lobster.

“God is the One who began this good work in you, and I am certain He won’t stop before it is complete on the day Christ Jesus returns.” [Phil.1:6]

- Jack

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