Monday, July 22, 2013

"Don’t Go Looking For Trouble."

"Don’t Go Looking For Trouble."

By: Pastor Jack Schneider

“Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do your part to live in peace with everyone, as much as possible.”  [Rom.12:17,18, NLT]

My grade-school teacher, Mrs. Wright, used to tell me, “Jack Arthur, if you go looking for trouble, it’s bound to find you!”  Of course, she always said that after I tried to excuse my behavior by blaming someone else for what had taken place.  You see, things were never my fault…someone else always made me do it. If not innocent, I certainly was not guilty. Man, does that ever resonate with recent events in the George Zimmerman case.

Such a travesty, and all because one ill-advised person went looking for trouble. Make no mistake, I understand and agree he was acquitted, which, in this case simply means the prosecution did not prove the necessary intent of hatred. Yet no amount of legal maneuvering or self-justification can erase the needless death of a young man who was pursued in a manner opposite the Biblical admonition above. Here in Texas we are allowed to defend our homes and families in a reasonable manner; when we step outside those homes, however, common sense and brotherly love are expected to rule our hearts and minds.

Do they? When we walk our communities, do we see our brothers and sisters as people worthy of God’s compassion and grace? If not worthy, do we see them as needing His mercy and peace? You see, those are hard questions -- for me -- because I am often an unmerciful respondent to those who drive alongside me, or those who clearly reflect different values than those I supposedly hold dear. Oh, dear Lord, hardly a day goes by that He doesn’t show me what a poor job I do of genuinely loving my neighbor! Truth be known, it’s not that I hate those in my community, I just don’t give them a second thought -- and that’s perhaps worse.

If George Zimmerman wanted to be effective in his neighborhood watch, he’d have done better to stop and ask Trayvon Martin if he could help him. Instead, he suspected the worst and instigated the worst possible scenario. God forbid we should do the same as people of faith in our own neighborhoods and communities. Our call and commission is to be a Light, the light of Christ to all we meet in our everyday lives. Where necessary, indeed we are to be wiser than serpents and harmless as doves.

Don’t go looking for trouble. Surely, it will find you. Instead, live at peace, as far as it depends on you. 

- Jack

Monday, July 8, 2013

"Be Well"

"Be Well"

By: Pastor Jack Schneider

“Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.”  [Rom.1:7, NIV]

My daughter was incensed -- a nice way of putting it. She was truly hacked off when she called the other day to say, “Dad! You need to write about this! I can’t believe what just happened!” Once calmed down enough to explain what had her upset, we talked about the creeping cultural shifts making their way into our lives…and, perhaps, the faith-life of careless Christians. The issue? She had gone into one of our national-chain drug stores and, at checkout, got a greeting she’d never heard. 

What do you normally expect to hear from your checkout clerks? That’s right -- probably something like, “Have a good day!” You might even get a “Thanks for shopping ______!”  Not this time. The greeting/dismissal that had Karen so worked up was “Be Well.”
Be Well? Come on…be more creative!  “Be Well” is a line from the 1993 sci-fi action film, “Demolition Man” with Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes and Sandra Bullock.  In this satire about a 2032 A.D. Utopian [supposedly] society, Stallone is the “thawed” hero, John Spartan, charged with capturing bad-guy Snipes [also thawed]. Bullock is the hero’s modern police partner, and the film has as much unprintable humor as action in presenting the flaws of a politically-correct society gone amok. “Be Well, John Spartan!”

Someone in the drug store chain didn't do his/her homework.

Compare this with Paul’s greeting to the Romans [and others]. We’re not supposed to be so direct today as Paul writes, but wouldn't you rather hear -- and give -- a grace- and peace-filled greeting than the empty “Be Well” now required in Walgreens? In fact, the best greeting is one that’s shown in our lives by the way we deal with one another in Christ-like love and transparency. Treating sales-people and others with kindness and thanks is a start; being unhesitant to smile and wish someone a pleasant day in a Godly fashion is just a step away. Faith that shows will grow and bear fruit.

I have no plans to boycott Walgreens over this inanity. I will, however, send their corporate office an e-mail of my opinion.  That’s part of what makes America great: we’re free to communicate important principles while exercising respect for others. Now if only the rest of our culture would allow Christians the same freedom with no bias…

This can get a person worked up, even make you hungry. Wanna go get some Taco Bell, John Spartan? And, hey, don’t worry; be happy!

- Jack