Monday, May 13, 2013

"What PHAT Stands For."

"What PHAT Stands For."

By: Pastor Jack Schneider

“You are the people of God; He loved you and chose you for His own.  Therefore, you must put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.  Be helpful to one another, and forgive one another whenever any of you has a complaint against someone else. Forgive each other in the same way the Lord has forgiven you. And to all these add love, which binds all things together in perfect unity. The peace that Christ gives is to be the judge in your hearts.”  [Col.3:12-15, TEV]

It was Mothers’ Day Tea at St. Paul School, and I wanted to let these moms and grandmas know how special it is to have their children in our care. So I grabbed one of our Youth chocolate chip “Cookie Kits” and used it for the object lesson. All these ingredients, they were told, are like your children when brought to us, and we are privileged to add the knowledge of numbers, colors, letters, etc. But more importantly, we add the knowledge of God’s Word in His Son, Jesus Christ. Furthermore, the children learn to sing the Truth of life in Christ and take it home to share with their families!

Each “cookie kit” assembled by our Youth needs only the addition of butter, an egg, and a dash of vanilla to end up with a delicious batch of “PHAT” -- pretty, hot, and tempting -- mouth-watering goodies [and thanks to Pastor Andy for giving us that unforgettable acronym]. How awesome it is that our school children are PHAT witnesses for the Savior, Jesus Christ, in homes that, in numerous cases, are not Christian!

Now, how about us -- you and me? We already have the ingredients by virtue of our baptism into Christ Jesus. He has named us His own [1 Peter 2:9-10]. By His Spirit we have been poured, mixed and stirred. So where’s the aroma of fresh-baked cookies?  Is it present? The key to your answer is v.14 in the Colossians text above: “add love” which binds it all together. Like a recipe missing one key ingredient, a Christian missing this one component will find his/her life lacking the PHAT-ness of fresh chocolate chip cookies, and it’s unmistakable.

So here’s what I’d like us to do… Bake some cookies, soon.  I’m serious. Of course, I’d prefer you grab one of the Youth “Cookie Kits” from under the table in the church foyer because they illustrate my point exactly, but I’ll settle for your favorite recipe from grandma. Then take that batch of cookies while still warm and give it to someone [well, maybe except for one or two…] and tell them what PHAT stands for -- and Who it stands for. Let them know you love them as a person, and you’ll be praying for them this week, no strings attached.
It’s amazing what God can do with a little time, temp…and love.

- Jack