Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Taking Flight Part 4: Maintaining Orbital Integrity

“Taking Flight Part 4:  Maintaining Orbital Integrity”

By:  Pastor Andy Whaley

Orbit: A regular, repeating path that one object in space takes around another.
Integrity: The state of being complete; whole; having everything that is needed.

If you have seen the movie, “The Right Stuff”, you remember larger-than-life astronaut Gordo Cooper (as portrayed by Dennis Quaid).  Quite sure of his abilities, and never short on self-esteem, Gordo could be taken, at times, as a bit obnoxious. (A statement I’ve been known to represent, at times.)  Throughout the movie He repeatedly asks his wife, “Who’s the best pilot ya’ ever saw?” To which his loving bride was always supposed to immediately respond, “You are Gordo.”
On May 15, 1963 aboard the Faith 7 spacecraft, Gordo Cooper was launched into orbit.  And on that day, he was indeed the greatest pilot anyone had ever seen.  As the movie states, “He flew higher, farther, and faster than any man before”, orbiting the earth 22 times.  But take a look at the words he prayed on the 17th orbit of that incredible voyage. 
“Father, we thank you, especially for letting me fly this flight …
for the privilege of being able to be in this position,
to be in this wondrous place, seeing all these many startling, wonderful things
that you have created.  Help guide and direct all of us that we may shape our lives to be much better Christians, trying to help one another, and to work with one another rather than fighting and bickering.  Help us to complete this mission successfully.”
A man known for boasting in his own abilities, was brought to his knees inside a tiny man-made capsule amidst the massive expanse of outer space.  Gordo finally experienced the greatness of God in a way he had never imagined.  At that moment, he understood his place in God’s universal family.  His prayer resonates with me personally and is a strong reminder of our societies need for a renewed humility, and a repositioning of orbital integrity revolving around God’s Word!
The prophet Micah faced a similar need for renewal in his day. His very name repeatedly begged the question, “Who is like Your Father?”  To which the Children of Israel were supposed to immediately respond, “No one!”  Unfortunately, God’s children had become fat and arrogant, resting on the assurance of their own abilities.  They had lost their sense of humility in the face of their Father God, and happily wandered into the spiritual wasteland of empty ritualism, idolatry, and self-gratification!   In Micah chapter 6 we are ushered into a courtroom to witness Father Yahweh lodge a legal complaint against His household.  The Father summons His children to listen to His Word and challenges them to prepare their response. He welcomes them into the vastness of the home He created for them, reminding them of His unfailing love, and the gracious way He has always acted on their behalf.  The children listen and respond by asking what they should do to appease their Father’s anger.  To no longer see the disappointment in His eyes.  To feel the warmth of His Fatherly love once again.  Micah responds directly to the children: You want to end the disappointment you see in His eyes?  You want forgiveness for not living by your Father’s rules while under His roof?  You want to feel His gracious love once again as before?  Don’t try and pay for it with a bad Father’s day tie once a year.  Don’t try and buy your way out of this with sentimental sacrifices that have no lasting effect.  You know what your Father requires of you? Act like His children!  Do what he says! 
“He has told you, children, what is good: and what does your Father require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
Micah 6:8
Our family went down to Houston this past week to visit my mom and dad, Sam’s Grandpa Jim and Grandma Lynn.  It was good to be back in the Space City.  And we had a great visit.  While we were there Grandma Lynn pulled out the water-colors for our 3 ½ year old son, Sam.  We were sitting at the kitchen table painting, laughing, and having a good time.  Grandma Lynn lovingly explained to Sam how to use the water, and to be careful not to mix too many colors together.  Sam suddenly retorted with one of his go-to lines, “don’t tell me what to do!”  Immediately I jumped in with my first responders standard, “Sam, don’t talk to Grandma Lynn that way.  I want you to be a good boy.”  Looking up at my mom I recognized the inquisitive look on her face as she turned to Sam and asked, “Sam what’s a good boy.” Without even taking a moment to think Sam rolled his eyes and said, “Good boys listen to their daddy’s and do what they say.”  My mom jumped right back in and asked, “So what’s a bad boy.”  Sam answered, “Bad boys don’t listen to their daddy’s and they get in trouble.”  My mom kept the conversation rolling, “Sam, why should you do what your daddy tells you to?”  To my great delight, Sam quickly responded with, “Because he loves me.”  He then gave me two gentle pat-pats on the arm and leaned over to give me a kiss.  “Who could hope for more?” I thought to myself, but my mom had one more question to ask, “Sam, what does your daddy tell you to do?”  Sam looked at me, and then Grandma Lynn and said, “Be nice!”

Heavenly Father, guide us, direct us, and shape us, in order to complete this mission! Amen!

 - Andy

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