Monday, March 28, 2011

Such Talk Is Garbage

"Such Talk Is Garbage."

By: Pastor Jack Schneider

 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge!”  [Ps.19:1-2, NIV]

30 seconds.  That’s all it took.  Certainly, the aftermath was worse, and continues, but when the earth shook, a nation was devastated.

Which nation?  We could be speaking of Japan a few weeks ago.  After the 8.9 earthquake a tsunami swept ashore, wreaking havoc and untold damage, with thousands still unaccounted for.  On top of this, nuclear disaster goes unchecked as damaged reactors spew deadly toxins.

Yet only a year ago another earthquake brought incredible destruction and loss of life while wounding people mentally, physically and spiritually in Haiti.  People there are still asking “Why?” and wondering how God could allow one of the poorest and most ill-equipped nations in the world to suffer so horribly.  Additionally, cholera broke out in the Fall of 2010.

Some have suggested [including a well-known evangelist] that God may be punishing people/countries/cities with natural disasters such as these.  Be very careful.  Such talk is garbage.  We live in a world created by a scientific God, Who uses normal wind and ocean currents, along with tectonic plates and continental movements to effect the beauty of His creation.  He is our refuge and strength, and we need not fear, even when the earth gives way and mountains fall into the sea [Ps.46].

In Port-au-Prince, Rev. Thomas Bernard, a Haitian Lutheran pastor answered when asked why this had come upon his country.  In his response, substitute “Japan” for “Haiti,” and the message is the same:  “I do not know why this earthquake has come to [Haiti].  I do not know why so many people have died and why so many are suffering.  Some have suggested that perhaps God was angry with the [Haitians] for their history of [voodoo] or some other sin.  Some have said that [Haiti] is receiving the wrath of God.  I do not know why it happened, but I will tell you what I know.  On the cross, Jesus Christ took upon Himself and bore the full wrath of God in His body.  There on the cross in Jesus, the wrath of God was answered for.  Jesus took our punishment and has died for the sins of the entire world.  [Haiti] did not suffer for their sins because Jesus did suffer for their sins.  I look to the cross of Jesus to see my Savior.”

God has given an opportunity for you and me to respond to the needs of others.  Go to our LCMS website and click on Lutheran World Relief to see how we can assist.  And next Sunday in church, give a hug to Lee and Yuko Luhrs, who have family in Japan.  Your prayerful support is meaningful!

- Jack

Monday, March 14, 2011

In The Cave

"In The Cave."

By Pastor Jack Schneider

 “Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise.  In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God.  He was absolutely convinced that God was able to do anything He promised!”  [Romans 4:20-21, NLT]

A dear friend would shake her head, roll her eyes heavenward and say to her then early-teen son, “Michael, you’re wartin’ me!”  Translation for those of you not familiar with Old Americana/Southern expressions: “Son, you’re about to wear me down; you’re more worrisome than an old wart on my skin!”

Through the years I’ve found myself coming back to her phrase more often than I’d like to admit.  Our kids are now all grown up, so they usually escape the implication.  Others things, however, along with circumstances at times beyond description, continue to “wart” on me daily.  Those are the times I turn to David the Psalmist, and revel in his 5-minute pity-party tidbits -- like Psalm 142.  Stop for a moment and read it yourself, right now…

Wow!  See what I mean?  Wrote it while in a cave.  Not “describing what it’s like to be in a cave of depression,” but IN THE CAVE.  This is inspired Word of God, by the Holy Spirit, with David in the middle of the event.  And guess what?  David is saying “Lord, You’re wartin’ me!  Why aren’t You listening to my complaint?  Set me free from this mess, answer me, because no one [not even You?] cares about me!”

Ah, but He does care.  He kept His promises to Abraham…and to David…every single one of them.  Just not in the expected/desired time frame or in the expected/desired manner.  David knew this [read Psalm 138 next!] and was not afraid to express both his doubts and his faith in this loving, gracious God.  That’s real…that’s love…that’s faith.

How big is your God?  This Wednesday we begin the season of Lent, using Sunday mornings to talk about “Restoring the DNA” God gave us through Jesus Christ.  Wednesday evenings [7:00 p.m.] will feature “The Passover Paradigm,” addressing how we can make a difference locally and globally as we become personally involved through our presence, our gifts of service, our assets and our stories of love. 

Please remember, until the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen are re-worked [over Spring Break] from water damage, only pizza and salad will be served in the church foyer for a Lenten pre-service meal 5:30-6:30.  We expect to resume meals in the Fellowship Hall after that time; watch for announcements.  Thanks for your patience and good spirit -- you’ve done beautifully!

- Jack